In a recent Facebook discussion, a (Iiberal) commenter asked me how I would address certain issues or public policy methods that liberals find unassailable. Here…
As a former vaccine skeptic, I can tell you why many people are suspicious: 1. Overly-aggressive timing The *timing* of some vaccines seems unnecessary. For…
Because Christians are most often harping about immoral sex, and say little about the joys of sex within marriage, they are often viewed as “against…
Solving the healthcare problem won’t be easy, for a couple of reasons. First, we don’t have a model that allows us to properly contain costs…
The first approach one should take to treating depression is that of treating physical causes. By addressing these, you can eliminate them as causes and…
I don’t often curse, especially in print, but can I just say that the current administration’s health care and climate plans are the height of…
Much of the talk surrounding the health care reform debate has been misunderstandings, misinformation, exaggerations and occasionally out right lies. Despite what many want to…
In 1961, Ronald Reagan joined the American Medical Association in opposing the Democratic Party's attempt to force socialized medicine on the American people. President Reagan's…
In 5 freedoms you'd lose in health care reform, Fortune editor Shawn Tully contributes his opinion to the ongoing special report on Healthcare at CNN. …
I get the American Family Association newsletter, and this week, they sent an intriguing statement. Here is the single most important question you can ask…
It is politically incorrect to express negative moral judgment regarding homosexuality, and even worse if anyone supports such claims by mentioning the higher rates of…
Bible Version Selection Tool – Which bible version is best for you? Find out. (HT: Henry’s Web – note that Henry has also published a…
In her recent book Unprotected, UCLA campus psychologist Dr. Miriam Grossman discusses how women’s bodies release oxytocin during childbirth AND during sexual activity, and that…
Joe Carter looks at a breakthrough in stem cell research.
You may not have noticed, but I put some widgets in the left margin which document what I consider to be three of humanity’s biggest…
In the public health system debate, I deeply believe that we don’t need a purely socialized system – nor a privatized one. Rather, I proposed…
This should come as no shock, but teens who listen to songs with sexual lyrics start having sex earlier than teens who listen to other…
Al Mohler has an interesting post up today entitled A Quarter Century of AIDS — What Have We Learned? Of the many interesting points he…
One of our faithful commenters alerted me to this recent report on how the vaunted abstinence program in Uganda has failed to curtail the spread…
Al Mohler has a nice post entitled Can Christians Use Birth Control?, in preparation for his 5/11/06 call-in show. This topic is coming up more…
As I’ve said previously in Christian Healthcare Alternatives, I think we need a tiered, shared model for health care. My previous five tiers can be…
In Part I, we introduced the idea of wounded masculinity, and how all men have some level of injury, and many men have significant wounds…
Most men today arrive in adulthood with injured masculinity. We are victims of bad or absent fathering, or abuse by other males. Rather than displaying…