American Vision offers this excellent 30 page PDF entitled America’s 200-Year-War With Islamic Terrorism (PDF). In it, author Gary DeMar discusses the conflict of the…
One of my favorite humorous cultural podcasts, Shire Network News (“Protecting the Anglosphere through satire”), has created a great show this week, including an interview…
HT: Psychoteddy
This post is part of a series In Part 1 of this series, I examined Pascal’s wager as a risk calculation exercise. In Part 2, I…
A multimedia art show in the Netherlands is angering Muslims because it includes pictures of several gay (and I don’t mean ‘happy’) Iranian men posing… has an off-color list of Top 20 Kids Books Your Local School Doesn’t Stock. My favorite is the one shown here.
One of my favorite podcasts is the satirical news show Shire Network News, an unabashedly conservative British weekly show. This week has some very funny…
My uncle sends me conservative spam, and every tenth one is worth republishing. Here you go. I would alternately call this post “Why moderate Muslims…
Ok, here’s another spam from my uncle – he sends me about one a day, but I like to post the ones I agree with…
D. James Kennedy died today at age 76, and what a significant and great evangelical leader he was. Among his latest and greatest contributions, beyond…
I get newsletters from Persian Ministries International, whose mission is to “continue proclaiming to the Muslim World that Jesus is both Savior and Lord.” This…
American Vision has published a nice excerpt from John Quincy Adams’ “Unsigned essays dealing with the Russo-Turkish War, and on Greece”, written while Adams was…
This kid is a little sophomoric, but he is stirring up crap. I like him.
This short film on the gun markets of Pakistan is amazing. Religion of peace, indeed. The poor people of these regions are victims of the…
If you would like to keep up on Islam, try these sites. Most are anti-terrorism, but I’ve include a few from the other side. A…
First, the Executive Director of UN Watch castigates the council for being blatantly anti-Israel while being silent on the Islamic violence in over 100 countries.
In case you missed this amazing British documentary, here is what is being preached in many major mosques IN THE WEST. Not fringe ones.
I have to take a stand on the misuse and abuse of the suffix "phobia", used by alarmist fear mongers to discredit their moral critics. …
I’m sorry, but the more I research Islam, the more I realize that only a deluded fool could think it a religion of peace. This…
In Part I, I outlined Fjordman’s main points about the current decline of Europe into Muslim chaos, helped along by extremist multiculturalism and the limits…
Over at The Brussels Journal, Fjordman documents the growing inability and unwillingness of European governments to reign in growing Muslim crime (read 'jihad against non-Muslims"),…
As mentioned, NPR is putting up audio from a powerful IQ2US debate series, and I just finished listening to the abridged version of the Freedom…
This post is part of a series. In Part I of this series, I discussed the first, and bogus response to Islamofascism, which is the rejection…
Jamal Miftah, in an attempt to stand up for moderate Islam, wrote an op-ed in his local Tulsa , OK paper condemning terrorism. Of course,…