Exodus International, one of the oldest and most active ex-gay organizations, has created a network of churches that have ex-gay ministries for those who want…
The Defenders is a cool new oraganization fighting pornography, especially child porno, through encouraging men to avoid it and to speak out against it. They…
Al Mohler has an interesting post up today entitled A Quarter Century of AIDS — What Have We Learned? Of the many interesting points he…
OK, so the Family Research Council, an avowedly Christian right political organization, is trying to make a case that homosexual men are proportionally over-represented in…
Next week, the U.S. Senate votes on the Marriage Protection Amendment, a proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution which defines marriage as between a man…
For all of those liberals who comfort themselves at night that liberalism and the pro-gay agenda certainly aren’t connected with other sexual deviancy like pedophilia,…
The Weekly Standard has just published an interesting piece on how governmental approval of same-sex marriage would probably be accompanied by a crackdown on organizations…
A. Dean Byrd, VP of NARTH, has posted a nice overview of clinical treatement of homosexuality called Treatment of Male Homosexuality: A Cognitive-Behavioral and Interpersonal…
I just came across another ex-gay ministry site, and they did a survey of the members of their online support groups to determine what they…
In doing some research, I came across this interesting book by psychologist Dr. Louis Berman. In The Puzzle: Exploring the Evolutionary Puzzle of Male Homosexuality,…
This is not really important, but it is interesting. Now that gays can fool nature (but not nature’s God ;) by choosing artificial insemination to…
So, I get the stockholders report from my company, and we have to vote on the board of directors, and some policy recommendations. One of…
Since I often mention pedphilia, I thought that I would mention a classic set of books on the subject, books for recovering abusers. One of…
I just caught the article Ministry says it helps gays become straight in an Indianapolis paper. The ex-gay ministry of Redeemer Presbyeterian in Indianapolis is…
The pro-gay site Washington Blade has a well balanced article (well, it is a little to the left) on Spitzer’s book Ex-gay Research. We’ve also…
In a funny twist, Dutch immigration officials are making people from Middle Eastern countries watch a video of two men kissing, and a topless woman,…
Now, I am not one to buy into slippery slope arguments (hence my dislike for both ends of the abortion debate, the gay debate, and…
Today the south Florida Sun Sentinel published an article entitled Parent says he raised red flag a year ago about teacher accused of sexual abuse.…
This past week in St. Louis, two ex-gay organizations, Exodus Intl. and Focus on the Family’s Love Won Out held a Love Won Out conference…
Some news regarding ex-gay stuff: Spitzer Discusses New Book on Ex-Gay Therapy – NEW YORK PSYCHIATRIST Robert L. Spitzer was always a rebel, and his…
For many of those who support gay rights, Dr. Dobson is the epitome of the “hate-filled Christians.” But Dobson is taking flack from many on…
I’m not sure if everyone has heard about Willie Nelson’s new “gay cowboy song.” After hearing the song on a talk radio station yesterday, I…
Gene Robinon was consecrated as a Bisop by the Episcopal church in 2003. His recent admission into an alcohol rehab clinic brings up many questions:…
Over at Out of Ur, the blog of Leadership Mag (every pastor should get this mag), Brian McLaren posted an article about how Christians should…