Currently, I attend a small country church of about 100 people. And I do mean country – many of the members are farmers, and I’d…
Aaron, nice post. However, while you are addressing some extremes that need attention, I would like to also present some extremes we should correct, along…
Joe over at Patheos has a nice list of 100 Spiritually Significant Films, which has given me a few more titles for my online queue. …
I was reading up on one of my favorite subjects, reparative therapy of homosexuality, when I came across a decent introductory article on the subject…
There are the basic world view questions: 1. Origins: Where did life and humanity originate? 2. The Problem: Why is there suffering, sickness, and death?…
What signifies a healthy church? Is it a building? Or the number of people who attend on Sunday morning? Or the number of activities the…
Scripture instructs us parents not to provoke our children to anger: Ephesians 6:4 And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring…
Here’s the abbreviated list from a good article from the American entitled When to Doubt a Scientific “Consensus”. You can also hear an interview with…
Al Mohler has suggested that we can use a church or individual’s theology of hell as a measure of their theological liberalism. He also mentions…
The Christian Muslim Forum, an interfaith group, has released what it calls Ethical Guidelines for Christian and Muslim Witness in Britain (PDF). Interestingly, some more…
I am exploring the mystery of why people leave faith for my upcoming book, and am also doing some great research by reading the following:…
This wonderful cartoon from ASBO Jesus got me thinking about the whole vision thing. As a pastor, one of the chief difficulties is inspiring volunteers…
The Obama presidency is historic, for many reasons. However, I think that his legacy may be more negative than positive. Here, I list my pessimistic…
In 5 freedoms you'd lose in health care reform, Fortune editor Shawn Tully contributes his opinion to the ongoing special report on Healthcare at CNN. …
Gateways to Better Education, a “national organization dedicated to helping public schools teach Judeo-Christian history, thought, and values” is sponsoring the National Free to Speak…
I don't have time to back all of these claims up with data. I'll leave it up to you to google for the evidence, or…
This post is part of a series. As a father of three, I have tried many products for babies and toddlers. Here’s my best of…
John MacArthur has posted a nice article on Pulpit Magazine about the following scripture, discussing how we should NOT provoke our children to anger. I’ve…
The Center for Research on Globalization has posted an article entitled Global Warming: A Convenient Lie, which gives a nice overview of the very real…
Catholic Priest, writer, and founder of the Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty Robert Sirico, recently gave a nice lecture entitled The…
CT has a nice article entitled Reductionist Justice, in which the author discusses the error of Job’s friends, which was to reduce all suffering to…
This post is part of a series. I urge you to listen to the first and second parts (second part tomorrow) of the two part…
Along with the current end-time madness currently spurred by the grossly popular Left Behind series comes renewed debate among Christians about whose end-time theology is…
Scriptorium has two excellent posts on homeschooling, What is a Classical, Traditional, Christian Education? and Toward Virtue: Ten Lessons We Have Learned Home Schooling. I’ve…