Elizabeth Kubler-Ross is famous for developing her five-stage model for grieving loss. Those stages are: Denial and isolation Anger Bargaining Depression Acceptance I want to encourage…
Another interesting conservative ‘spam’ letter that I thought I’d share. ——————————– $1,000,000,000 This is too true to be funny. The next time you hear a…
Obama couldn’t sell watermelons?!? Nice.
As Newt Gingrich pointed out today in What’s Going on in Massachusetts?, Scot Brown, the GOP challenger in Massechusetts in the run for former Senator…
Sure, both sides play politics, but liberals do it best. Here’s their decision chart. Enjoy.
I don’t often curse, especially in print, but can I just say that the current administration’s health care and climate plans are the height of…
A joke from the conservative spamosphere… ———————————————— George Bush, Queen Elizabeth, and Vladimir Putin all die and go to hell. While there, they spy a…
Courtesy of Faith 2 Action. 1. Government Health Care Takeover. The Senate debate of health care is now underway. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid wants…
Q: What’s the main problem with Barack Obama jokes? A: His followers don’t think they’re funny, and everyone else knows they’re not jokes. Q: What’s…
Here’s a nice cartoon that expresses how we see Obama’s claims at saving jobs. Reminds me of the picture below it.
I’m not a birther, but I have to admit that the Obama administration’s evasive and delayed responses to the accusations that he was not American…
I agree with this post from iowntheworld.com Barack Obama, through his spokesman, claimed that he was unaware of the tax day tea parties. But how…
In the words of Iago the parrot from Aladdin, "there's a surprise! I think I'm gonna have a heart attack and die from NOT surprise."…
Ok, this is not really fair, since it's his FANS that think he's our savior. However, this gets points for cleverness. Courtesty of iowntheworld.com.
My uncle sends me lots of great conservative spam, and some of it deserves to be seen. These pictures tell a story other than what…
In The boy who cried ‘racism!’, I broached the subject that I think that those who are complaining that the modern anti-Obama rallies and other…
Conservatives are “gleeful about the success of the tactics in exposing Acorn workers” according to the New York Times. Of course, the Senate vote to…
I have a confession to make – I like NPR. Even worse, I like Juan Williams, probably one of the best known black independent commentators…
Culled from the top of the conservative spam I get, enjoy. There's two pics, one after the jump.
The latest from Diversity Lane. I must say, I am disgusted that the liberal MSM is not all over the Acorn stuff. Thank God for…