Hopefully, this is as much of a given as was my earlier statement about our political advisories, but sometimes those of us on either aisle…
In an effort to point out things I like about my political adversaries, I would like to congratulate Obama on not being the politician that…
One stupid sponsor at a time. Honestly, how in the world can you be so at best politically inept at worst morally hypocritical? Stupid GOP!
On Father’s Day Barack Obama delivered a stirring and inspiring speech about the importance of the father in the life of today’s children. While I…
While one can argue about the recent Supreme Court decision regarding access to American civilian courts for enemy combatants, I’m not sure how one can…
We can disagree over a lot of things politically, but I would hope that we can agree that Massachusetts State Representative James Fagan is the…
Recently John McCain reversed course on off shore drilling. While it is indeed a flip-flop, it is perhaps understandable than a policy position can be…
Humanity trumps politics. Even though I vehemently disagree with virtually every position Sen. Ted Kennedy has taken over his career, I was saddened to hear…
It is easy to take a political opponents words out of context and make them seem to be saying something unpopular or even incorrect. Some…
I am not voting for Barack Obama for President. Below you will find why I cannot vote for this inspiring speaker and seemingly genuine politician.
Here are some of my favorite quotes about politics, by politicians or somehow vaguely connected to politics only in the deep recesses of my brain.
It seems like it has been all Obama, all the time, so I thought I would give Hillary a little attention. She finally decided to…
David Skillicorn, a computing science professor at Queen’s University, has devised a program that analyzes the candidates’ speeches to see who is putting the most…
After Sen. Barack Obama gave his anticipated speech in which he non-apologized for Rev. Wright’s inflammatory racial comments, Hillary Clinton’s campaign had this to say:…
The List Universe had an interesting open question, entitled Your View: Who is the Most Evil Man? Of course, the usuals showed up – Hitler,…
I found it interesting today that McCain has decided to go a little more fiscally conservative and support making the Bush tax cuts permanent, and…
Catholic scholars Robert P. George and Jean Elshtain have put together a collection of essays, from scholars from many disciplines, defending traditional marriage, entitled The…
While many on the left have brought up evangelicals supporting Huckabee as merely being a “he’s one of us” phenomenon, the Democrats have their own…
Based on the audio podcast and Hot Air post entitled Did the “religious right’s” mistakes make McCain inevitable?, conservatives who don’t like McCain are thinking…
There’s a lot for me, a Christian conservative, not to like about John McCain. But there are some things about him to like. This is…
I was discussing w/ Silver my hierarchy of values/issues, and thought to list them here. If you had to prioritize, what order would you choose,…
Watching my favorite no-spin, fair and balanced news commentary show tonight, The O’Reilly Factor, I enjoyed O’Reilly’s guests discussing why conservatives are spewing sour grapes…
As a Christian, the reports that Mike Huckabee used a church sanctuary and a gathering of ministers to raise campaign funds is very troubling.
Mike Huckabee just left the university where I work. He gave a standard stump speech, which seems to be going farther to the right. (Thank…