My wife and I were watching the most recent Republican and Democratic presidential debates, and when we got to the Democratic debates, she asked me…
I spent a summer doing missions work in Iowa. I grew to love and respect the state and, even more so, the people. Despite my…
In a nice article in First Things, Michael Fragoso responds to a NYT article which attacked the idea of public marriage by taking on these…
During the 2004 election, I wrote (here and here) that a candidate’s character should be a key factor in deciding who to vote for in…
On my way in today, I listened to Adrian Rogers on the radio, and he preached a great sermon on Christian Citizenship. I wanted…
This post is part of a series In previous essays, I discussed Brian McLaren’s claims that the religious right has left a bad taste in…
This post is part of a series In Part I, I discussed Brian McLaren’s point that the Christian right has left a bad taste in…
This post is part of a series Brian McLaren, noted leader of the Emergent Church movement, has started an interesting two parter on Faith &…
Though I am pro death penalty, I would like it very judiciously applied, basically only to first degree murderers. But according to Proposals to execute…
As a prime example of why I don’t like politicizing tragedies enter Joe Biden who gives the real reason for the VaTech massacre, Katrina, Iraq,…
Very funny.
The Rosenkranz Foundation, in partnership with The Times Online (UK), has sponsored a new debate series on serious and contentious public policy issues. Usually, three…
Gordon McDonald, one of my favorite authors, has written a nice piece on what he thinks evangelicals should be looking for and asking about potential…
In honor of the day after President’s Day, here is the top five presidents according to a Gallup poll:
Chris Hedges’ book American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War On America also takes moderates to task. Taking a page out of Sam Harris’…
Ben Stein has written an interesting article in the NYT called In Class Warfare, Guess Which Class Is Winning. In it, he argues, based solely…
One of my favorite podcasts is the University Channel Podcast from Princeton Univ. Here are some of the interesting speeches which you can listen to…
There are plenty of books out there declaring the US to be a "Christian nation," and rebuttals. But for fun, I wanted to publish some…
Many of my liberal friends expected me to be depressed about the election results, but aside from the awful fact that California did NOT pass…
D. James Kennedy had a good sermon on The New Tolerance this past week, and I really like his take on the virtue of "tolerance." …
Some of the best and most popular urban myths are those that encapsulate truth, but are somehow fictitious in origin or attribution. One of my…
After some research it appears that blue laws may benefit the areas where they are enacted. Or at least the opposite is true: areas that…
I hate that I am posting about politics again today, but a recent story plays into the recent debate here on torture, the Christian response…
Joe at EO has some nice advice to us in the Christian Right. Here’s some good ones: I can’t make excuses for us on this…