I hate that I am posting about politics again today, but a recent story plays into the recent debate here on torture, the Christian response…
Joe at EO has some nice advice to us in the Christian Right. Here’s some good ones: I can’t make excuses for us on this…
This week’s Economist has a great couple of articles reviewing the results of the past 10 years of "workfare," the conservative welfare reforms initiated by…
Previously, I have recommended two relatively centrist resources on the religious history of our country, Meacham’s book American Gospel (the post has a great lecture…
Many conservatives are often forced to answer the question “why don’t you care?” or some similar inquiry. More often than not, the accuser simply avoids…
Talk2action, the progressive activism site, is taking Barak Obama to task for his wise words on the relationship between faith and politics. In a post…
The University Channel podcast is one of the best around, and this talk by Jon Meacham, author of American Gospel : God, the Founding Fathers,…
The Heritage Foundation has a nice paper that reviews where we’ve come from since the Republican Revolution of 1994, and where we have yet to…
I will throw this in as a little aside to our conversation earlier this week. An email published by Andrew Sullivan: This is not Bush…
Far left activist site talk2action had an interesting post recently, entitled Knowledge is Power: Five Books About the Religious Right. The idea behind it was…
As much as it may be contrary to common knowledge that appears to be the case. The first line of the Investor’s Business Daily story…
While much of what Ann Coulter says is true, that truth is hidden beneath layers of acidic attacks which do more harm than good. (Perhaps…
As I have reported previously, one of my "favorite" anti-Christian Right sites is talk2action.org. Recently, I went to comment on their site, and was soundly…
Next week, the U.S. Senate votes on the Marriage Protection Amendment, a proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution which defines marriage as between a man…
Human Events, the conservative rag, has published its 2006 summer reading list. I doubt I will get to Ann Coulter’s book, but Islamic Imperialism looks…
One of our faithful commenters alerted me to this recent report on how the vaunted abstinence program in Uganda has failed to curtail the spread…
Take a look at the votes on an amendment to cap the number of guest worker permits at 650,000 per year.
Journalist Michelle Goldberg, a senior writer for the online magazine Salon, has written a new book entitled Kingdom Coming: The Rise of Christian Nationalism. Although…
In today’s L.A. Times, they discuss the population problem in Germany – not OVERpopulation, but the loss of people. In Sex is Essential But Kids…
The Spanish Socialist Party will introduce a bill in the Congress of Deputies calling for “the immediate inclusion of (simians) in the category of persons,…
Albert Mohler talked yesterday about the "religious left" and how this affects the liberals. He reviews Steven Waldman’s slate.com survey on the religious left, which…
There is a heated debate going on in the evangelical church – are we diluting the gospel by linking it with political activism? I personally…
A recent story out of Missouri has many people in an uproar. A local television station reported that the legislature is considering making Christianity the…
My local liberal rag (SF Chronicle) has a nice article about how we treat scientists as our modern priests, entitled The unholy lust of scientists.…