One of the main ways we can reduce the acrimony in our society is to stop proposing that government should solve all our problems. Specifically,…
While we may often bemoan the use of “litmus tests” when it comes to picking candidates, sometimes that is truly the best and only way…
Abortion is a highly contested topic, like many other human rights issues (there are arguably two, if not three humans involved). Here’s my summary of…
Full disclosure, I have not seen Obvious Child, and have only read/heard a handful of detailed reviews, both positive and negative. However, this film appears to…
As Christians, we have an absolute duty, if married, to obey the biblical mandate to procreate, as given to both Adam and Eve and Noah…
One of the points at which I disgree with my fellow conservatives is on the "point of personhood" of an embryo. While the standard evangelical…
The whole immigration thing is all over the news. This got me to think about all of the groups fighting for what they consider…
Isaiah’s Story from 31Films on Vimeo.
This story is so amazing, I just had to share it. I know I sullied the inspiration of this by mentioning abortion, but I just…
A video describing a first-trimester abortion — produced by Priests for Life and published on YouTube, is getting a lot of deserved attention. They show…
Courtesy of
The first article below is very good – if the outrage over corruption at Planned Parenthood is amped up, perhaps we can get them defunded…
Conservatives have been trying to defund the abortion mills of Planned Parenthood for years (see Defund Planned Parenthood). However, the success of the investigative reporting…
This video came to me in an email, and despite the comments of 'beautiful,' I actually have very mixed feelings about this. While I am…
The Bible says that true spirituality involves caring for orphans and widows. But how much do we actually take this seriously? James 1:27 (New International…
Political Math tried to find and visualize the amount of violence associated with the pro-life movement in America. I mean, these people are a menace,…
Obviously, in and of itself, being able to remember does not make on a person, as animals can remember. However, for most of those who…
Dr. Alvin Schmidt was interviewed in a series on the excellent Lutheran Issues Etc regarding his new book, How Christianity Changed the World. I am blogging…
I had a (somewhat heated) discussion with a liberal friend of mine who, when I retorted that Planned Parenthood was bad because they were the…
One accusation that both conservatives and liberals make against one another is that their opponents' hierarchy of values is out of order, if not outright…
Ross Douthat, of The Atlantic and soon to be of The New York Times, discusses the charge of hypocrisy at pro-lifers in the ESCR debate.
Charles Krauthammer ripped Obama for his speech and executive order completely removing the restrictions which Bush had placed on embryonic stem cell research. He called…
One of the overriding and significant reasons why I think that Obama would be an awful president, beyond his lack of experience (forgivable, but risky)…
The ACLJ (American Center for Law and Justice) has started a petition to defund Planned Parenthood, and support Senate Bill 351 (S.351), the Title X…