My wife recently asked me if are sinning by not taking the entire Sunday off to spend with God – she was conflicted because Mondays…
The narrative arc of Christianity is complex, but the most amazing thing is that even though it is highly symbolic and archetypal, God accomplishes such…
One of my favorite iconoclasts, Dilbert creator Scott Adams, has created another nice hierarchy. Where are you on your climate alarm journey? 1. Trust the…
One of the most interesting of epistemological arts is the art of debate. While we all like a good fight, we also like a fair…
Kirk Durston has written a fine suite of articles on the three types of science, and has done a short set of corresponding podcasts on…
Scott Adams, creator of Dilbert, iconoclast, and out-of-the-box social and political thinker, has a daily podcast which has become my top daily listen. Recently, he…
Iconoclast Scott Adams provides one of my favorite podcasts. He is an out of the box thinker, and recently created this list. I’ve renamed some…
A favorite atheist challenge is “what evidence do you have for the existence of God?” Summaries of the existing arguments abound, but most people don’t…
How should we view religions other than our own? Do they contain truth at all? Or some truth? Is that truth just offered as part…
Every metaphysical system with any cogency and appeal has some points of strength, and all have weaknesses. The question is which have more strengths and…
When trying to prove or find the truth, most of us are used to the idea that the scientific method of experimentation and data is…
Yes, that is the sesquipedalian title of my Master’s thesis, and what was funny is that our final paper’s title was read out loud at…
If you get involved in theological or other logical arguments, you will soon come upon the many logical fallacies that all people engage in unless…
In my frequent discussions with atheists, I often see faith referred to in a very negative light, and I realize that we are talking about…
In Evangelical circles, self-love is an idea and practice often viewed with suspicion, if not outright hostility, most often being equated with selfishness. Little distinction…
Learning to hear the voice of God in our hearts and minds is a practice that we get better at as we mature. We can…
Christianity, both contemporary and historical, has focused primarily on self-denial, and so has often mishandled and abused not only the concept of self, but the…
In Christian leadership and laity, the word “inerrancy” is often misunderstood because it is ambiguous until it is well defined and qualified by a handful…
1.0 Introduction Biblical Theology (BT) is a relatively recent approach to hermeneuticsHermeneutics (/ˌhɜːrməˈnjuːtɪks/) is the theory and methodology of interpretation, especially the interpretation of biblical…
Author and podcaster Jeff Goins has a great productivity podcast, and a while back he discussed the five drafts or stages your writing goes through.…
One of my favorite atheist philosophers is Graham Oppy, Professor of Philosophy and Associate Dean of Research at Monash University and Associate Editor of the…
Most of us will never try to raise money for a project we are working on. I have not done it for my passion project…
I recently rediscovered a lecture by Brian Mclaren on The Four Historic Models for Church/State Interaction, and realized that (a) they needed one word formal labels,…
This series is made up of the following posts: Three Types of Aggression 1: Rhetoric Three Types of Aggression 2: Incitement Three Types of Aggression…