As a Christian writer considering the use of satire, I find myself at a crossroads. On one hand, satire can be a powerful tool for…
Recently, historically conservative Christian colleges started changing their policies regarding gay marriage and sexual orientation. This is in part a move to comply with the reality of…
Few things are as influential as positive testimonies, be they for products, or for faith. The practice of telling the story of how you came to…
It is very exciting to live in a day when previously ridiculed and marginalized people groups are receiving legal and social recognition and rights. Blacks,…
In a stunning press release, Intelligent Design group The Group for Order and Design In Science (GODIS) has proposed that the structure of the HIV…
While some recent estimates of the gay population in America have come in as high as 1 in 10, a new report from the liberal…
Today, the Progressive Association of Not So Intimidating EvangelicalS (PANSIES) announced that they have rejected the authority of the scriptures in which Jesus uses offensive…
Now that Disney has elevated gay activist Rich Ross to studio chief,it won’t be long now until we have a new more ‘diverse’ princess. I…
Here’s a spam email making its rounds among us neocons. These allegories are always a bit oversimplified, but they: Communicate the essence of the nonsensical…
Population experts such as Paul R. Ehrlich and Thomas Malthus have long contended that humans are heading for mass starvation due to overpopulation. They have…
One of the main biblical arguments for the existence of God is the amazing beauty, complexity, and integration of the created, living world. As the…
A recent study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) indicates that chimps may be more evolved than humans. While this…
This is not really important, but it is interesting. Now that gays can fool nature (but not nature’s God ;) by choosing artificial insemination to…