French physicist and philosopher of science Bernard d’Espagnat recently was awarded the Templeton Prize, the largest annual prize in the world, which seeks to reconcile…
This post is part of a series. The Religion and the Open Society Symposium, sponsored by The Council on Foreign Relations, covered the positive impact of Protestant Christianity…
David Berlinkski, interviewed in the Intelligent Design movie Expelled, wrote a book on atheism and science entitled The Devil’s Delusion: Atheism and Its Scientific Pretensions.…
This is the second breakthrough announced in the past six months. In December, scientists were able to reprogram skin stem cells to to behave like…
The Center for Research on Globalization has posted an article entitled Global Warming: A Convenient Lie, which gives a nice overview of the very real…
Last Updated: 08.22.12 Added slice,
I know basically everything is attributed to global warming these days, but I’m waiting on how it explains snow in Baghdad for the first time…
Boing Boing has an interesting, if short book review of God’s Mechanics: How Scientists and Engineers Make Sense of Religion, a new book from Vatican…
This should be front page news. A team of scientists has been working for 10 years and has produced a heart valve from stem cells.…
Dr. Al Mohler has a fascinating post about research into gay animals, a possible prenatal “cure” for homosexuality and the insuing conflicts many in our…
Cineaste pointed me to a very interesting article by TIME Magazine. In God vs. Science, TIME brings in the heavyweights from both sides to argue…
Crank science and history are interesting, especially when the author may actually be right. Such is the case with Anatoly Fomenko’s series of books (first…
Today, we can screen unborn fetuses for abnormalities. Currently, up to 90% of Down’s Syndrome fetuses are currently aborted before birth, and a recent report…
A new documentary is coming out June 28 (NY and LA only) entitled Who Killed the Electric Car? You want the answer? The oil companies…
One of my least favorite liberal canards is the old "population problem" argument, that argues that we have too many people, and not enough resources. …
USA Today reports on two recent studies on adultery, upon whose data Martie Haselton, assistant professor of communication and psychology at UCLA’s Center for Behavior,…
My local liberal rag (SF Chronicle) has a nice article about how we treat scientists as our modern priests, entitled The unholy lust of scientists.…
I am enjoying Dilbert creator Scott Adams’ blog. Today, he asks some interesting questions about cloning. Behind the humor is a great question – if…
Slate magazine (which has really good podcasts) has a nice article entitled Technical Knockout: The overconfidence of stem-cell liberals. Nice to see a more liberal…