This series, written in response to challenges from atheists on Facebook, contains the following articles: Heaven: Part 1 – The difficulty of conceiving of heaven
I had the privilege of attending this year’s 2018 National Disciple Making Forum in Nashville, a two day conference dedicated to the idea that Chrstianity should be…
This series is made up of the following posts: Worshiping the “Same” God 1: Ambiguous Statement FAIL Worshiping the “Same” God 2: People of The Book?…
This series is made up of the following posts: Three Types of Aggression 1: Rhetoric Three Types of Aggression 2: Incitement Three Types of Aggression…
This series is made up of the following posts: Gamification: The Three Levels of Design Abstraction 01 – Dynamics Gamification: The Three Levels of Design…
This series is made up of the following posts: The Limits of Christian Non-Violence 01: Non-redemptive Destruction The Limits of Christian Non-Violence 02: The Balancing Principles
The posts in this series include: Letters to a Traditionalist On Hell 01 – Eternal Fire Letters to a Traditionalist On Hell 02 – Undying…
This series is made up of the following posts: Spiritual Disciplines 01, Lectio Divina Spiritual Disciplines 02, How to pray The Lord’s Prayer Spiritual Disciplines…
This series is made up of the following posts: 8 Reasons why Islam is a Destructive Falsehood 1 – Religious Exclusivism & Racism 8 Reasons why Islam…
This series is made up of the following articles: The Philosophical Case for Conditionalism 1, Introduction The Philosophical Case for Conditionalism 2, The Main Arguments…
We all have things that annoy us. Here’s mine. Pet Peeves #001, In the men’s room Pet Peeves #002, At the restaurant Pet Peeves #003,…
I preach monthly, and take the recorded file and prepare it as a podcast. This series is a guide to creating your own podcast, as…
This series is made up of the following articles: 10 symptoms you are addicted to outrage porn 7 Reasons why we engage in outrage porn…
This series is made up of the following articles: Scrupulosity 1, How Catholicism and Arminianism Obscure the Gospel and Create Neuroses Scrupulosity 2, How Sola…
This series is made up of the following posts: Midlife and other Life Transitions 1 – Introduction Midlife and Other Life Transitions 2 – Dissatisfaction…
This series is made up of the following articles: Molinism, The Solution to the Calvinist-Arminian Standoff Molinism – ROSES instead of TULIPs
This series contains the following posts: God’s Priorities 1: Introduction God’s Priorities 2: Receiving God’s Love God’s Priorities 3: Receiving God’s Truth God’s Priorities 4: Giving Love…
The articles in this series include Can we be good without God? Part I: Introduction Can we be good without God? Part II: Defining Good…
This series contains the following posts: Essential Products for Babies I, Medicines and Ointments Essential Products for Babies II, Transportation Essential Products for Babies III,…
This series was written in response to a comment about the “absurdities” of scripture. Evaluating God’s Righteousness, Part I – Underestimating Sin Evaluating God’s Righteousness,…
This series was a response to Brian McLaren’s Faith & Politics after the Religious Right. Faith and Politics in a Post-Falwell World – Part I…
This two part series is actually a synopsis of a fantastic article from the Resurgence site entitled On The Ethics of Controversy (PDF). The Ethics…
This series is a redux of a great exposition of Romans 1 by John MacArthur called A Nation Abandoned by God. The Wrath of God…
The following posts make up this series: Part I: The Tripartite Makeup of Man – Introduction The Tripartite Man – Spirit and Soul The Tripartite…