My mom sent me this sentimental ‘spam,’ thought it was worth reading. Get busy living or get busy dying! You know. . . Time has…
Here’s some interesting Christian inspirational spam that I received – decent enough to put up. ————————————– “THE ROOM” as written by a 17 Year Old…
Muslim suicide bombers in Britain are set to begin a three-day strike on Monday in a dispute over the number of virgins they are entitled…
Another interesting conservative ‘spam’ letter that I thought I’d share. ——————————– $1,000,000,000 This is too true to be funny. The next time you hear a…
My uncle sends me a lot of conservative ‘spam,’ and some of it is interesting stuff. Here’s the latest. I wonder what these posters would…
I don’t often curse, especially in print, but can I just say that the current administration’s health care and climate plans are the height of…
A joke from the conservative spamosphere… ———————————————— George Bush, Queen Elizabeth, and Vladimir Putin all die and go to hell. While there, they spy a…
My uncle sends me lots of great conservative spam, and some of it deserves to be seen. These pictures tell a story other than what…
Culled from the top of the conservative spam I get, enjoy. There's two pics, one after the jump.
Here’s a spam email making its rounds among us neocons. These allegories are always a bit oversimplified, but they: Communicate the essence of the nonsensical…
I haven't had time for blogging lately, but did get this humorous email I wanted to share. I deleted the less intelligent bumper stickers, but…
Here’s some cute misunderstandings of God by kids, sent to me as some internet spam. Enjoy. LOT’S WIFEThe Sunday School teacher was describing how Lot’s…
My uncle sends me conservative spam, and every tenth one is worth republishing. Here you go. I would alternately call this post “Why moderate Muslims…
Ok, here’s another spam from my uncle – he sends me about one a day, but I like to post the ones I agree with…
My uncle sends me a lot of these patriotic conservative spams, some of which are schmaltzy, some jingoistic, and some really good. This one, a…
Here’s the latest internet schmaltz that I thought worth publishing. But the message is worthy – God wants us to be happy, even if sourpusses…
LATEST SPAM EMAIL Some of you may be wondering what Judge Roy Moore has been doing since he was removed from the bench for refusing…
My uncle daily sends me inspirational or funny spam emails. I have no idea where he gets them all, but I thought to start putting…